
If you have purchased items and you want to track the progress of the order, please go to My Profile and go to Purchases. Click on the order which should be in Pending if the order is still live. Once you click on the order you can then check the order timeline status if the seller has dispatched the goods, if the items are out for delivery etc.

Once you have received the goods and if you are happy with their condition, you can click the received button so that the order is completed. The order will move from pending to completed. You can still view the order in completed, check the review the seller gave you and send a review for the seller.

Any issue with the order you can go to the bottom page and send us a message regarding the purchase.


When an order is received, notifications are sent to you so that you can start to prepare the order and send it out to the buyer.

To access the orders, go to My Profile and click on orders. Orders are grouped as Pending and Completed. All live and new orders go in pending and you can click on the specific order to manage it. View the order details, once you send the order out, please confirm in the timeline that order has been dispatched so that buyer knows that the order is on its way. Its always good to communicate with the buyer via the chat so that they know.

Once the order is completed the money from the sale will be transferred to your available balance. You can review a buyer in the timeline and request a review from buyers.