Easy to mange orders on mobile

When you purchase items from sellers, the orders are in Purchases. Live orders can be accessed via the Pending link and completed orders are in completed section. When you click on the order you can view the orders details, order status like when it will be delivered and give reviews to the seller. If there is a problem with the order, you can send us a message and we will try and resolve the issue.

How to cancel an order?

When you place an order and realise it’s no longer needed, please cancel the order by clicking the cancel button on the order. This button shows before the order is dispatched, after the order is dispatched, you can cancel by contacting the seller directly.

Please contact the seller and talk to them about the cancellation. This will depend on the seller’s cancellation policy and a refund is not guaranteed.

Once the order is cancelled the funds will be transferred back to the wallet of the buyer. Please note that transaction fees are not refundable as they relate to the use of the app and the use of payment gateway platforms.

Can I chat with the seller of an item?

To chat with the seller about the condition or anything concerning the ad, please click on Chat at the bottom of the and send your chat to the seller of the item.

If after you make a purchase and you want to chat about the status of the order, you can go to My Profile then Purchases and click on the order.

At the top right click the chat symbol and chat direct with the seller. You can also view the status of the order, the timeline by which the order should be delivered, or whether the seller has dispatched the item or not.

You can also confirm if you received the order to complete the order. Once the order has been marked completed either by the timer running down to zero or by confirming that the order has been received, the seller will then receive the money from the purchase.

Problems with an Order?

If you have an issue with an order, send us a message via the contact form at the bottom of the order timeline. Remember to put every detail about the order and we will let you know about the status. If we need you to send any more additional information, we will let you know. Just as a rule, keep pictures of anything item concerning the order, receipt of delivery, or collection pictures in case we need to very the condition of an item.