Returning items to sellers.

Before you buy an item, check the seller’s return policy, and any cancellations or refunds policy. To return an item, chat with the seller first and get the correct address details. Follow these below steps:

Start your return.

Get address details directly from the seller. Use recorded delivery channels and keep receipts.

Send the item.

Send the item back to the seller and update them as soon as you can.

Receive your refund.

Once seller has received the item back, they will process the refund back to your wallet.

How we protect your purchases on

With our buyer assurance and money back guarantee policy, both buyers and sellers can feel safe to trade on our platform. Here is how it works.


Start an Order

Select items to your basket, and click checkout


Pay through

Check out and use one of our payment methods to pay


Order confirmed, and notification sent

Seller receives order and dispatch goods. Order should be completed before timer runs out


Get money back if order terms are not met

If order is not received in good condition, ask for a refund and we will help you in reaching a resolution. These or any compensations on orders.