Create a listing

  • To create a listing on Sendashopping, click sell and start filling in the details of your product.
  • Upload quality pictures which represent the item and take as many pictures as possible.
  • Buyers are likely to buy from products that are from high resolution and great quality pictures as the items are sold as they are in the pictures.

Titles, descriptions, and categories

  • Give the listing a good title that is informative and also linked to the search words that buyers use when they are searching for products on the website.
  • Then give a description of the item that tells buyers all the information.
  • A buyer is likely to buy when they are satisfied with the information given in a description.
  • Wrong descriptions of the condition or state of product will result in higher returns from buyers.
  • Then select the best category for the item

Price, delivery and options

  • Give a fair price for the product that goes with the condition of the item.
  • Set delivery options and delivery fees in settings so that buyers can decide the best delivery option available.
  • Set location in My Profile so buyers can know where you are located for collection of items and for use in advanced search so that products are easily searchable.

Seller Location

So that buyers can easily find you or your shop, complete the seller/shop page in My Profile and enable your location. It’s ideal to start the search of the city where you live rather than an actual, the suggestions will come, and you can select the city and country. It is not advisable to use your actual address, you can however give your actual address to individual buyers for collections if you have enabled collections as a delivery method.

Returns, Cancellations and Refunds Policies

Specify any of these policies if you have them so that buyers are aware of your policies. These policies should adhere to our policy and make sure you go through our policies first which can be found on the homepage.

Sponsored Listings Basics

When you advertise your listing on our platform, it is viewed many times across our website and drives users to your listings boosting sales. Sponsor your items in few steps.

1. Select your items.

Choose the items you want to promote. Your can promote a single item or all your items at once.

2. Choose the period.

You can promote your item either for days, weeks or months. Select how long you want the listing to be promoted for.

3. Pay for ad.

Once you are satisfied with your promotion, go on to pay and you are all set.

Benefits of promoting listings

Increased visibility of listings. The more the listing is viewed by users, the more people who click your ad and generally the more sales in the long run. Ads that are not seen regular have fewer chance of being clicked.

Boost sales. Get more enquiries from potential buyers and boost sales. Promoting listings is the only way to get your items seen by potential buyers.

New markets. Broaden your horizons and get noticed in new markets. Sendashopping platform is visible in many countries and sponsored ads can be seen worldwide by buyers. Get global with sponsored ads.

Selling Fees

It is free to post items for sale on the Sendashopping platform for individual buyers. We have a range of fees which include promoting listings to increase items visibility on our website and fees for transactions for using our site. These fees are paid on withdrawal and can range from 2.5% to 6.5%. If you sell many products it is advisable to open a business account and choose one of our selling plans for a low transaction fee.